Artificial intelligence and workplace safety and health: The future of work or a complex challenge?

EU-OSHA Executive Director William Cockburn talks about the impact of  artificial intelligence (AI) on occupational safety and health on this editorial article. Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised many aspects of our daily lives, from how we learn and entertain ourselves, to how we travel or communicate with others. Work is not an exception, with various AI-based technologies being more and more commonly integrated into different industries and job roles.


EU-OSHA: Worker management through AI – From technology development to the impacts on workers and their safety and health

How can artificial intelligence support the safety inspection of machines? What does the increasing digitalization of human-machine interaction mean for occupational safety? How robust is Industry 4.0 against cyberattacks? These and other questions will be addressed by international experts in a digital lecture series developed by the IFA in cooperation with the Section Machine and System Safety of the International Social Security Association (ISSA).


AI for worker management: risks and opportunities for OSH

The use of artificial intelligence-based worker management (AIWM) systems can help design healthy and safe jobs and workplaces, but it may also bring about risks to workers such as intensification of work, loss of job control and dehumanisation. A new report outlines the risks and opportunities of AIWM systems for occupational safety and health.

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