Lade Veranstaltungen

The 6th European Conference on standardization, testing and certification in the field of occupational safety and health that will be organized by the EUROSHNET network of European OSH experts.

Digitalization is entering the world of work. Standardization processes are constantly being accelerated in order to keep pace with innovation. New fields of certification are emerging as products are increasingly used within networks with other products or sold as a package with maintenance or customization services.

How can standardization, testing and certification react to these challenges and become fit for the future? What adjustments are needed in order to take account of developments such as smart manufacturing, and new forms of work?

This conference is for you…

… if you are an OSH expert or representative of

  • European and national public authorities
  • OSH institutions
  • Social partners
  • Manufacturers, importers and users of products
  • Accident insurance institutions
  • Testing and certification bodies
  • Standardization organizations
  • Bitte lesen Sie hier alle weiteren Informationen zur Veranstaltung “6th EUROSHNET Conference 2019” in Dresden!