The Future of Occupational Safety and Health in Europe:
Strengthening Social Europe through Healthier Workplaces for Safer Workers

Event Details: 15th March 2018 Time: 10:00am – 4:30pm in Brussels

According to recent data from Eurostat (2016) every year more than 3 million EU-28 workers are involved in serious accidents at work, which force them to take at least four days of workplace absence. The European Agency for Safety and Health at work (EU-OSHA) reports that 15% of EU workers have to handle dangerous substances as part of their job, and another 15% report breathing in smoke, fumes, powder or dust at work. Occupational cancer is the biggest killer at work in Europe and other high-income economies (WHO Classification). In addition to the immensurable human costs, these occurrences cause significant loss for the European economy as a whole. The EU-OSHA recently estimated the cost of workrelated accidents as EUR 476 billion per year, 3.3% of the EU GDP.

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