A+A Congress 2017 Event Overview
35. International Congress for Occupational Safety and Health
Tuesday, 17.10.2017
Future of Work
Work 4.0: towards company operations of the future
Prevention 4.0
Changing or new employment arrangements and forms of work give rise to new hazards that must in turn be faced by new prevention strategies.
Personal Protective Equipment PPE 1
Practical information from the areas of hearing protection, PPE against falls from a height, protective clothing and hand protection.
Personal Protective Equipment PPE 2
Practical information from the areas of PPE against falls from a height, protective clothing, protective headgear and protective footwear
Sedentary Work
A PEROSH-initiative for developing recommendations for practitioners and scientists.
ISSA Conference
ISSA Conference Vision Zero Launch and German Occupational Safety and Health Award Ceremony 2017
Wednesday, 18.10.2017
Carcinogenic Agents 1
The latest developments in the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany.
Carcinogenic Agents 2
The latest developments in the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany.
ILO Conference Collecting and Using OSH Data
Session 1 How Businesses and Workers are Collecting and Using OSH Data and Information to improve OSH Performance
ILO Conference Violence and Psychosocial Risks
Session 2 Violence and Psychosocial Risks at Work
Thursday, 18.10.2017
ILO Conference OSH in Global Supply Chains
Session 3 OSH in Global Supply Chains
ILO Conference Action Plan on OSH for Youth
Session 4 Action Plan on OSH for Youth – Consultation
Biologically Effective Lighting
A dream of the future, or already long a reality?
ENSHPO Workshop
The European Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations (ENSHPO) – international exchange of information and experience
Friday, 18.10.2017
ISHCCO Network Meeting
The event will present the IQR / IQF together with an overview of the current state of health and safety coordination and further developments.