ISSA Conference Vision Zero Launch and German Occupational Safety and Health Award Ceremony 2017

Tuesday, 17.10.2017,
14:00 – 17:00
1st Floor, Room 2

German-English simultaneously

In this event three different aspects of prevention are highlighted:
• the presentation of the global Vision Zero Cam paign of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) directs attention to the main elements and future perspectives of prevention, and to communicative approaches to reach these goals.
• With the German Occupational Safety and Health Award tribute is paid for good practice and realization of preventative measures.
• The final „Düsseldorfer Runde“ offers a platform for the discussion of current topics and open questions.

In the beginning of the Vision Zero presentation representatives of enterprises and the ISSA prevention sections for construction, mining, and transportation will discuss the Vision Zero Prevention strategy. Former winners of the German Occupational Safety and Health Award will join the discussion. The theoretical basis of the Vision Zero concept will be explained and an elaboration of different fields of action will be offered: Vision Zero as a vision and as a strategy. Examples of the successful implementation of the vision zero in different contexts are given. From Vision to Action – the German Occupational Safety and Health Award

The nominees for technical and organizational OSH solutions in both categories (big enterprises and small and medium sized enterprises) are highlighted by videoclips. Following the awards are handed out in a grand an exciting ceremony.

The panelists of the „Düsseldorfer Runde“ are experts from the three ISSA prevention sections mining, construction, and transportation accompanied by enterprise representatives from the respective industries and from a renowned producer of personal protective equipment. The topic of the discussion is “Vision Zero – a view on different industries”.

IVSS Forum Vision Zero
Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, secretary general of the ISSA
Sandra Berndt, journalist and TV-moderator

Vision Zero
Siong Hin Ho, Ministry of Labour, Singapore

Panel discussion Vision Zero as a vision and a strategy
Dr  Walter Eichendorf, German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)
Annick Sunnen, Accident Insurance Luxembourg
Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel, German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the building trade ISAA prevention section construction
Dr  Christian Felten, German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the transport industry,ISSA prevention section transportation
Helmut Ehnes, German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry, ISSA prevention section mining
Harald Gröner, RWE former winner oft the German Occupational Safety and Health Award

Launching the Vision Zero campaign in Europe
Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, ISSA

Vision Zero in aviation
Manfred Müller, Flight captain, Lufthansa AG, Vision Zero ambassador Promotion Vision Zero Training
Shelley Frost, Director“Policy”, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), Supporting Vision Zero – moving forward
Helmut Ehnes, ISSA prevention section mining

German Occupational Safety and Health Award Ceremony
Nominees‘ Welcome
Sandra Berndt, journalist, TV-moderator

• Category 1
Technical Solutions: Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Introduction and Laudatio
German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)
Announcement of the Winner Category 1

• Category 2
Technical Solutions: Big Enterprises
Introduction and Laudation
Dr  Rainhardt Freiherr von Leoprechting, German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)
Announcement of the Winner Category 2

• Category 3
Organisational Solutions: Small and Medium sized Enterprises
Introduction and Laudatio
Senator of the City of Hamburg, Federal Committee for Occupational Safety and Safety Engineering (LASI)
Announcement of the Winner Category 3

• Category 4
Organisational Solutions: Big Enterprises
Introduction and Laudation
Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, ISSA
Announcement of the Winner Category 4

Combined Presentation
Winners of the German Occupational Safety and Health Award 2017

Düsseldorfer Runde
Looking at different industries and sectors
Impulse Mining
Ulrich Meesmann, ISSA prevention section mining
Impulse Construction
Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel, BG Bau, ISSA prevention section construction
Impulse Transportation
Dr  Christian Felten ISSA prevention section Transportation

Panel discussion
Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, secretary general of the ISSA (ISSA) (Moderation)

Ulrich Meesmann, Geschäftsführer BG RCI, Präsident IVSS-Sektion Bergbau
Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel, BG Bau, Vize-Präsident IVSS Sektion Bau
Dr  Christian Felten, BG Verkehr, Generalsekretär IVSS-Sektion Transportwesen
N.N. Enterprise representative
German Occupational Safety and Health Award winners

Resume and invitation to stay for the get together
Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, ISSA
Sandra Berndt, journalist, TV-moderator