TOS+H EXPO 2024: Drawing to a successful close

The fifth TOS+H Expo, held in Istanbul from 2 to 4 May 2024, was a resounding success. At the 3-day event 163 exhibitors from 19 countries presented innovative products and technologies in occupational safety and health such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), smart wearables, AI-based health coaches and Virtual Reality applications. 4,143 visitors from 53 countries underlined the great, also international interest and the trade fair’s increasing importance in the region.


TOS+H EXPO 2024: Erfolgreicher Abschluss

Die fünfte TOS+H Expo, türkische „Schwestermesse“ der A+A vom 2. bis 4. Mai 2024 in Istanbul, war laut Veranstalter Messe Düsseldorf ein voller Erfolg. 163 Ausstellende aus 19 Ländern präsentierten Produkte und Technologien aus dem Bereich Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit wie beispielsweise Persönliche Schutzausrüstungen (PSA), Smart Wearables, KI-basierte Gesundheitscoaches sowie Virtual Reality-Anwendungen. 4.143 Besucherinnen und Besucher aus 53 Ländern kamen.


The 5th TOS+H Expo starts in Istanbul in May 2024

From 2 to 4 May 2024 TOS+H Expo will open its doors for the fifth time continuing its impressive success story. The trade fair, which has become established as an indispensable platform for occupational safety health experts in Turkey and the region, registers very high demand and plenty of space bookings, which impressively underscores the strongly growing interest in this key event in the region.

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