Digital platform work: EU Member States’ regulations, policies and initiatives

A EU-OSHA policy brief highlights findings and takeaways from a study of OSH-related regulations, policies, strategies, initiatives, actions and programmes for digital platform work. It builds on four case studies, three of which present legislative initiatives in Spain, Italy and France. The fourth explains actions that labour and social security inspectorates can take to manage OSH risks.


Psychosocial risks and work-related musculoskeletal disorders: exploring the links and prevention strategies

A report explores the connections between psychosocial factors and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace using data from the latest European Working Conditions Survey and European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks. It finds that some psychosocial factors — such as working time, job security and support from management — have more of an impact on MSDs than factors related to sociodemographics, country or economic sector.


Regulating telework and occupational safety and health in a post-COVID world

Telework looks likely to become a permanent feature of employment for many organisations following the COVID-19 pandemic. But to what extent is this form of work covered by legislation to protect workers? A new report — informed by a survey of EU-OSHA’s national focal points and a literature review — examines how telework is regulated at EU and national levels.


Protecting teleworkers’ safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic

The sudden increase in teleworking from home during the COVID-19 pandemic has put workers at greater risk of musculoskeletal disorders and mental health problems. A new report looks at these risks, the benefits and problems arising from teleworking, and the EU regulations in place to protect workers. It is illustrated with examples from different sectors in several countries of good teleworking practices adopted during the pandemic and highlights the importance of risk assessment. 


Start acting now: Why early intervention is key to preventing chronic MSDs

One in every four people in the EU suffer from a chronic musculoskeletal disorder (MSD), such as back pain, upper limb disorder, or osteoporosis, says EU-Osha (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work). Europe’s workforce is ageing, and as a result, chronic MSDs are likely to become even more prevalent. Taking action as soon as symptoms appear is therefore vital to maintaining a healthy workforce, retaining workers, and boosting businesses.


Tag der Rückengesundheit: Kein Bock auf Rücken!

In Zeiten, in denen Menschen immer öfter im Homeoffice sitzen und nicht in ihr Fitness-Studio gehen können, bekommt der Tag der Rückengesundheit am 15. März 2021 neues Gewicht. Wer „keinen Bock“ auf Rücken hat, dem zeigt das Basi-Mitglied AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rücken) gemeinsam mit dem Bundesverband deutscher Rückenschulen in einer Themenwoche, wie man zuhause fit bleibt. Rückenschmerzen gehören zu den häufigsten arbeitsbedingten Muskel- und Skeletterkrankungen, gegen die sich die Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz (EU-OSHA) in ihrer Kampagne „Gesunde Arbeitsplätze – entlasten dich!“ wendet. Die Basi unterstützt die Kampagne als deutscher Medienpartner.


Lighten the Load: Basi is a Media Partner of EU-OSHA to Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) remain the number one work-related health problem and, to support their prevention, EU-OSHA started the 2020-2022 campaign: “Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load” with several Official and Media Partners. Basi, Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health, is the campaign's sole German media partner. Around 60% of all workers with a work-related health problem identify MSDs as their most serious issue, which means that the work on prevention and awareness-raising is far from over.

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