Über Susanne Knoff

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Bisher hat Susanne Knoff, 42 Blog Beiträge geschrieben.

Bangladesh: Improving safety in the garment industry

Bangladesh: Improving safety in the garment industry

An ILO programme is helping garment factories in Bangladesh improve safety and minimize the risk of another tragedy like the one that claimed more than 1,100 lives in 2013. The main goal of the programme is to enhance safety in factories so that the country should never again experience a tragedy like the Rana Plaza collapse.



State-of-the-art report on reproductive toxicants: Summary available in various languages

State-of-the-art report on reproductive toxicants: Summary available in various languages Reprotoxicants can affect both women’s and men’s reproductive health. They can also affect foetal and human development and effects include miscarriages, malformations and functional deficits.
A summary that presents the current knowledge on workplace risks to reproduction is now available in 12 languages.



31 May 2018: REACH deadline approaching for EU-wide registration of chemicals

31 May 2018: REACH deadline approaching for EU-wide registration of chemicals The REACH Regulation requires companies that manufacture or import chemical substances into the EU to register them with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
If your company manufactures or imports chemicals, have a look at the seven steps to take for a successful REACH registration.
If your company is using chemicals, check the search for chemicals to make sure your critical substances have been registered or are intended to be, and that the registration […]


Key project’s results on OSH and machinery within the construction sector published

Key project’s results on OSH and machinery within the construction sector published The EU joint Working safer with construction machines project managed by partners from the construction social dialogue has just published its key results on how to improve the occupational safety and health (OSH) aspects in the design and use of machinery.

The project has lasted two years and the key outcomes include five workshops that resulted in four fact sheets on standardisation, ergonomics, collision avoidance and worksite organisation/training, as well as […]


Eurofound’s report on ageing and sustainable working conditions published

Eurofound’s report on ageing and sustainable working conditions published Within the context of Eurofound’s concept of ‘sustainable work over the life course’, the Working conditions of workers of different ages report analyses these factors in depth for the 28 EU Member States using data from the latest European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS 2015). The report also investigates the conditions of employment for different age groups, linking them to work life balance, health & well-being and career prospects.

Key findings show that poor working […]


Open Round Table on the Future of Work

Open Round Table on the Future of Work A public Round Table on the Future of Work takes place on 5 February 2018 in the European Commission’s Berlaymont building in Brussels.

The event is organised by the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) and it is a step towards the development of an Opinion on the Future of Work. The Opinion will explore the phenomena ranging from the consequences of automation and digitalisation on the labour market, including the […]


Trauer um Franz-Gerd Richarz

Trauer um
Franz-Gerd Richarz

Am Montag, 27. März 2017, ist völlig unerwartet und viel zu früh Franz-Gerd Richarz im Alter von 62 Jahren gestorben.

Franz-Gerd Richarz war Inhaber eines Beratungsunternehmens und auch in der Politik bestens vernetzt. Als stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Deutschen Netzwerkes Büro (DNB) waren das Büro und die gute Gestaltung der Büroarbeit sein Haupt-Arbeitsschwerpunkt. Er war auch auf der A+A einer der aktivsten Mitstreiter für alle Themen rund um das Büro in Kongress und im Ausstellungsbereich WorkPlace Design der A+A-Fachmesse. […]


Flexible Work in the Digital Age

New technologies such as mobile devices and mobile internet are increasingly challenging the concepts of a fixed workplace and regular working hours. The objective of the conference is to discuss recent scientific contributions on the causes and consequences of this development. The conference takes an interdisciplinary approach and aims to bring together researchers from the fields of economics, management, occupational medicine, psychology, and sociology.

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