World Day Against Child Labour 2018 – Towards the urgent elimination of hazardous child labour

World Day Against Child Labour 2018 – Towards the urgent elimination of hazardous child labour

About 73 million children are in hazardous work – almost half of the 152 million children aged 5 to 17 still in child labour.
On World Day Against Child Labour 2018, the spotlight is on ending hazardous child labour. It is a priority in the wider ILO campaigns against child labour and for safe and healthy work for youth of legal working age – “Generation Safe & Healthy”.


Internationaler Tag gegen Kinderarbeit

Etwa 168 Millionen Kinder müssen weltweit arbeiten gehen. Der Internationale Tag gegen Kinderarbeit, der von der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) 2002 ins Leben gerufen wurde und jedes Jahr am 12. Juni stattfindet, soll ein kritisches Bewusstsein für diese Ausbeutung von Kindern schaffen.


107th International Labour Conference: ILO tripartism “a most potent antidote” to negative political trends and discourse

107th International Labour Conference: ILO tripartism “a most potent antidote” to negative political trends and discourse

World parliament of labour heads for ground-breaking new standards on violence at work and supports renewed push for gender equality.
The International Labour Conference ended on 8 June with a call by the head of the ILO to “nurture, protect and practice” social dialogue.
Tripartism – bringing together governments, employers and workers – “not only adds value in the world of work, but is a most potent antidote […]


New measures needed to protect port workers opening fumigated containers from harm

New measures needed to protect port workers opening fumigated containers from harm

A new study by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has reviewed the risks to workers when opening fumigated shipping containers.

The study identifies significant gaps in preventive measures and makes recommendations that should be implemented to improve the safety and health of workers.

Learn more here

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